5G is the fifth (5) generation (G) of wireless protocol, progressing from 1G analog cellular to 2G digital cellular, 3G mobile broadband and then 4G native IP networks. 5G compared to 4G and all of the previous generations will provide better data speeds but the biggest benefit is improved latency.

Speed, also known as bandwidth, is how fast data moves through the internet.
Latency is how long it takes requested items to appear.
High bandwidth and low latency are ideal.
4G data speeds are roughly 15 megabits per second. This is expected to increase up to tenfold under 5G. The actual speeds you get will depend on what network you’re connecting to, how busy it is, what device you’re using, and a few other factors.
5G is going to significantly decrease the latency of our data transmissions. Think about searching for something through the internet on your phone. The time it takes to bring up those search results would be considered latency. To put that into perspective, with 4G, you would have results from your search in approximately 50 milliseconds. That doesn't sound like much delay, does it? But with 5G, you could have results in two milliseconds.
There are many conspiracy theories related to 5G but there is no evidence that 5G signals have a negative effect on our immune system. 5G and 4G both have non-ionizing radiation, which means the radiation is too weak to have any effect on our health. Decades of studies have not found a link between cell phones and any sort of illness.
If you’d like to read more about 5G and its capabilities, check out this information from Ericsson: https://www.ericsson.com/en/networks
This post is part of a series of posts about 5G. Other posts discuss benefits, risks, the potential uses for different markets and how to prepare your business for 5G. Please follow and share so you don’t miss any posts! If you’d like to read previous posts: https://www.ermco.com/single-post/demystifying-5g-what-is-it
For more information on how ERMCO can help with an integrated systems solution, contact:
PJ DONOVAN | 317.538.5511 | pdonovan@ermco.com
PJ Donovan is the Business Development Manager for ERMCO’s Systems Group. She’s been with ERMCO for 10 years and has been in the Systems Group the entire time, as a Systems Coordinator and then Systems Estimator. Now she helps maintain and grow client relationships and serves as one of ERMCO’s experts on all things systems-related from A/V and access control to security and wireless systems.